We seek to introduce our BFSMS children to the global needs around the world: needs for basic survival like food and water. This FTN project culminates with an actual food packing party where on December 8th, our kiddos will pack 10,000 meals in the cafeteria to send to children in Bangladesh and our backyard of San Antonio.
A portion of the Feed the Need funds raised support our school (e.g. Teacher Compensation, Campus Improvements, etc.). Your giving dollars have a double benefit.
Upon completion of any of the following family goals, on Friday, each child from that family will have the chance to Spin the Wheel for Prizes. These prizes include: Andy's Ice Cream for a Year, Free Dress Day, Chick-fil-A Gift Card, Extra Recess, Lunch with Mrs. Newman and a Trip to the Prize Box.
Additionally, we will have school-wide celebrations when we hit the key milestones of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of our goal.
The Power of Peer to Peer and Businesses
Be the first family to gain ten donations for Feed the Need! Need a jump start? Here are some TEXTING TIPS.
What is the fastest way to hit your goal, win prizes, and develop partnerships with our city? Gain a Business Sponsor or matching donor!
Watch our 1-minute Business Sponsor Training Video
Review the Business Sponsor Packet (here).
Ask a business to give, and those funds will go toward your family's incentives!
If you have a business you would like to talk introduce FTN to, stop by the office and pick up a professionally printed Business Sponsorship Packet which lays out the many FTN sponsor benefits.