Becky Kimbrough
2nd Grade Teacher
I’m delighted and very blessed to have joined the team at Buckner Fanning School at Mission Springs! Teaching is one of my greatest joys and guiding kindergarten children through this important first “official” elementary school year is a privilege.
Prior to my time at BFSMS, I taught grades 2-5 for nine years as well as pre-k 3s and 4s for four, thus have a good understanding of the tools kindergarten students arrive with as well as what they’ll need for a successful school experience for years to come. I hold a bachelor’s degree in elementary education as well as a master’s degree in educational administration.
With a commitment to building positive, trusting relationships with students and families and to never stop learning myself, I’m always eager to find the best ways to meet students' individual needs while guiding them to develop a relationship with Jesus. Psalm 46:10, Be still and know that I am God, is my anchor throughout every day as I’ve seen time and time again that when I do exactly this, I clearly see His plan. Each day, in addition to teaching core academic subjects—especially reading and writing…my favorites!—I look forward to teaching children to seek God, lean into His word, and show His love to others.
Teaching in a community as special as BFSMS is indeed an honor. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if ever you’d like to discuss kindergarten and our wonderful school!
Ephesians 2:4-8
Psalm 46:10